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        The two videos I watched brought the current disconnect between teaching/learning and our present day society to reality. As a student today it is at times very difficult to fully understand and appreciate the not so apparent "link" between what we are taught and it's importance and contemporary relevance/application. These videos helped me to have a better understanding of how higher education needs to be altered to ensure that today's students are learning topics necessary to make our future reality. Without the proper skills instilled in us today we will all be unaware of how to survive in tomorrow's world.

        Out of all the skills discussed in the videos linked below, I especially want to develop creative problem solving skills. I believe a further understanding of problem solving skills will help me survive in the future.




-In the past six months, when have I felt most alive? 
        At the Alex Wilson Last Chance Track Meet. It was my third throw and I had to throw no less than 15 meter to make it to finals. I was very upset with myself at the time and knew that it was all or nothing at this point. I entered the ring for my last throw, took a deep breath and began my winds. I brought my hands around and began my turn and in that one moment everything felt perfect. I knew this throw was going to be great. I caught my turn and came around... released the weight and watched it land. "15.01 meters" the official announced, I gathered myself and walked out of the back of the ring more excited than I think I have ever been in my entire life. 
        That one through helped me realize that I really do enjoy throwing and I want to go as far in the sport as I can.

-Am I becoming the kind of person I want to be?
College is a place you come to and are supposed to 'find yourself'. For me college has reinforced a number of lessons my parents taught me when I was younger and has shown me that I am becoming the person I have always wanted to be. A strong, determined and indepenedent woman who is not afraid to fight to get to the top.

-List your achievements and honors. Don't worry if the list looks small at the moment. It will grow, but don’t forget the obvious things such as awards, giving speeches, participation in research, internships, clubs, sports teams, musical associations, or other groups

-Academically, in what areas have you been particularly successful?  Do you earn good grades in a particular area? Are you comfortable contributing to class discussion?  Are you the person who organizes study groups? Do other people ask to look at your notes? Do you end up officially or unofficially tutoring other students?
I have done well in math, science and writing classes. My grades in these three subjects are generally the same and I feel very comfortable contributing to class discussions. That is one of my strengths. I am the person who organizes study groups and I unofficially tutor students at times, but I am more of a team player because I know the advantages of learning in a group.

-In consideration of Parker Palmer’s quote “Vocation does not mean a goal that I pursue.  It means a calling that I hear.  Before I can tell my life what I want to do with it, I must listen to my life telling me who I am.  I must listen for the truths and values at the heart of my own identity, not the standards by which I must live – but the standards by which I cannot help but live if I am living my own life.” What are those things you cannot but help doing, living by, or at least wanting to do?  What might those reveal about you?
I cannot help but live by the christian values that my parents instilled in me in my youth. I do not know what I would do without the firm faith that I have built over the years. I believe this reveals that I have passion, that I believe in God and that I have a firm foundation for the life I live.

-What are some roles in your life that you have thrived in? What are some roles in your life in which you felt squelched or drained? Why do you think that about each?

-What are you passionate about? What's your niche? What special skills do you possess? These don't all need to be "academic" interests or skills. For example, you might have a musical talent or a surprising skill.


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