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Applied Multimedia Technology
A semester in review
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Welcome to my Applied Multimedia Technology (CDT 30423) ePortfolio.  This site contains a recap of a semester's worth of projects, all of which exercised my creativity and technical skills in digital media creation.

This class focused on three major aspects of digital media: still images, audio, and video.  Each of my three presented projects is an exercise in one of these aspects.  The first one, the audio project, is an interview with a fellow classmate.  The goal was to produce a story for the Admissions Department to deliver to prospective students and their parents.  The next one, the image project, is a series of posters for the MacDonald Center for Student Well Being, advertising their upcoming wellness fair.  The third and final project was a What Would You Fight For style video documenting the work of a student or faculty on campus and that work's impact on the greater Notre Dame community.
I hope you enjoy my projects, and that their messages resonate with you.
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Will Badart
University of Notre Dame ('18)
Computer Science, Security


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Media Credits:

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