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    Hi, I'm Will Badart.  Welcome to my Remix-U Multimedia ePortfolio.  Here, you can find the projects I'm working on to earn my Remix badges.  The reason I'm doing these projects is to enhance my understanding of the tools and tech used to create modern, effective, and professional media.  Before beginning, I was already quite familiar with a lot of the ideas I'm using to produce these projects, but to have a specific prompt and a clear idea of where a project needs to go really streamlines the workflow.  The Remix-U projects give a step by step guide on this workflow, from having an idea, to gathering outside media within the confines of the law,  to creating and publishing your own content.  Following these steps has been a very education experience, and I see myself applying the concepts I learned here to many future projects outside of Remix.



About Me


    I am a computer science major at the University of Notre Dame, Class of 2018.  Over the past year, I've been working to build my multimedia production experience.  To this end, I've been working at the Kaneb Center, producing videos and designing websites.  I've also worked on the Remix-U projects, which are featured in this very ePortfolio.  Included below are links to more details about my personal experience.


Resume:    https://nd.edu/~wbadart/resume.pdf

LinkedIn:   https://www.linkedin.com/in/wbadart

Website:     https://nd.edu/~wbadart

Contact:     https://nd.digication.com/wills_badges/Contact_Me



DRAFT: This module has unpublished changes.

DRAFT: This module has unpublished changes.